Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 31 - A Night to Remember

From a dot (Week 6 to Week 30)

Ever since I've reach third trimester, Winnie's movement in my tummy has become more obvious.

Since I'm in "resting mode" (seating on the sofa) most of the time, I've been feeling her move whole day and I'm more than happy to feel her move. :) Every night, when I'm going to sleep and tells her I'm going to "orh orh" (Sleep), her movements become stronger and somewhat like practicing Martial Arts. -.-'

Been going on for many nights since I start to feel her move, but since she's more cramped up inside now, I can feel it so much more! Sometimes it gets too pain for me to fall asleep. :(

Some nights her dad will step in, put his hand on my tummy and tell her to go to sleep but it usually works for a little while before she starts punching and kicking again. -.-'

Last night, it's the first time Mike had a good connection with her. He was telling her not to kick/punch me so hard instead she can tickle me, he starts tapping my tummy lightly to show her and she responded by doing little movements instead of hard knocks. They played for a good 10mins or so, him talking to her, gently tapping my tummy, drawing tiny circles/stripes/whatever and her responding to the movement/sound in the same area. That moment is something I want to remember. Seeing your love ones communicating, having fun, really warms your heart. :)

Love you sweety. :)

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