Friday, August 24, 2012

Week 23/24 - Winnie.

We've decided to name bb Winnie. :) Yet to announce because there's another scan coming up in a week's time and Doctor would be able to confirm if bb's 100% boy or girl. Though we're about 90% sure it's a girl by now. :D

We chosed this name for a few reasons.
1. Meaning behind this name is First-born daughter (Ref:
2. Of cause there are other meanings we've found that seems quite pleasing to us: Blessed peace; fair reconciliation (Ref:
3. We wanted a rather well known name so no one will have the trouble calling her name. (Ref: Winnie the Pooh. )

These are the 3 reasons I can name right now. There's of cause other reasons but they are so crappy I don't think I wanna list them here. hahas.

Well today I decide to blog because Winnie did something worth blogging about of cause. hahas.
I've been feeling Winnie move on and off for quite a while. Though the feeling is very subtle but it's still a very comfortable feeling to know she's awake and moving around happily. :) Since the feeling's quite subtle, hubby is quite disappointed that he can't feel her move.

Since I am on MC, I had the luxury to wake my husband up to go to work. He's snoozing when I suddenly felt Winnie move. Placed his hand on my tummy and he felt her kick (we assume it's a kick cause it's a more obvious movement as compared to normal subtle movement)! So today marks the first time hubby felt Winnie kick and yes I would like to think Winnie kicked him to go to wake up and go to work. hahahas.

Been resting at home for the past 2 days due to bad stomach. It's so bad that I couldn't sleep 1 of the nights. Doctor says it's indigestion caused by constipation or badly handled food (unclean food). Stomach keep churning but no poo. It's been like this for 3 days, wonders when will it recover. :( Poor Winnie keep having to hear her mummy's tummy churn whole day and night. :(

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